Course Syllabus

 Instructor:  Deacon Ramon (Ray) DiMascio

 Contact: E-mail:


 Library Study Pass - see Deacon Ray at Start of Class (5 students maximum may be permitted to move to the library).

Hoban Honor Code as listed in Student Handbook!

Attendance will be take each period.

 Additional Student Responsibilities:

 Be respectful to the teacher and your classmates.

  1. Be in your seat by the tone and prepared with your supplies, books, and planner each day, or else a tardy will be issued. Students may not incur more than two unexcused tardies to class per semester.  Detentions will be issued for each additional class tardy. 
  2. Sleeping will not be permitted and will result in detention.  
  3. Gum chewing and food consumption will not be permitted and will result in an immediate detention.  Water is permitted in the classroom as long as it is in an approved clear container.
  4. Restroom passes will only be recognized in emergency situations. Restroom usage will count as a tardy for class. 
  5. The only wireless devices needed for class is your Hoban issued iPad. No other devices will be permitted in class!  Texting and gaming are never permitted.  Students will be held accountable to Hoban’s internet-use policy while using devices. Any cell phones or unauthorized devices will be sent to Mr. T for collection at the end of the day!
  6. Any issues or concerns please see me after class, e-mail me, or make an appointment to discuss. 
  7. Dress Code as per Student Handbook.

Seating as noted:


Course Summary:

Date Details Due